
Call us: 514 270-8462


Engage in a therapeutic process

When you begin a therapeutic process at PRO-GAM, you grant yourself a moment to think about your behaviours and your relationship with your partner and children. With the help of experienced professionals and in an atmosphere of mutual respect, you have the opportunity to understand your feelings and emotions that can trigger certain behaviours. Moreover, you have the opportunity to identify the means which are at your disposal in order to bring about the changes you want to make.

What are the objectives of this process?

  1. Help you acknowledge your violent and controlling behaviors;
  2. Help you take responsibility for your violent behavior;
  3. Help you understand the personal motivation underlying your violent behavior;
  4. Help you identify your abilities to resolve difficulties;
  5. Help you find and use alternatives to violence

Do you feel the need to get involved in this process?

Steps to follow

The first step is to contact PRO-GAM at 514-270-8462

After giving you information about our therapy program, we will arrange an appointment with you in order to open your file.

This first contact is an administrative meeting that aims to:

  • Determine if our services can meet your needs and, if so, collect the basic data needed to build your file.
  • To fill out a questionaire.

At the end of this meeting of approximately 2 hours, we will give you a registration certificate, if applicable, and we will make an appointment for your first intake / assessment interview.

It is also at this point that we will ask you to sign a payment agreement. Since the services you receive are only partially funded, we require a financial contribution based on your income:

  • Social assistance recipients or persons with a gross weekly income of less $200 are charged $10 for their registration. A fee of $15 is charged for all other clients.
  • Your first intake-evaluation meeting is free.
  • Social assistance recipients or persons with a gross weekly income of less $200 are charged $5 for subsequent individual evaluation or group sessions. All other clients are charged a fee equivalent to 5% of their weekly gross revenues.

You will have a minimum of three individual meetings in order to talk about your situation and your expectations of therapy. After completing these individual evaluation sessions, you will begin the group therapy program, which is aimed at helping you cease using violent behaviors in the context of intimate relationships with your partner or your family.

The group meetings are structured as follows:

  • Group meetings are held once a week, in the evening between 7p.m. and 9:30p.m..
  • The group is composed of eight men (clients) who are guided by two therapists.
  • Each participant must commit to attend a minimum of 14 consecutive group meetings.
  • It will be possible for you to continue your process upon completion of this basic program, if you feel the need.
  • Professional training and supervision
  • Made-to-measure training for partner organizations (CLSC, CSSS, Youth and Family Centers, resources for men, etc…);
  • Consultation for the implementation or development of assistance programs for men who behave violently;
  • Presentation of thematic workshops at various congresses and colloquia (see documentation).
  • Internship program for university students;
  • Long distance group, team or individual supervision via videoconference (webcam).
  • Awareness and prevention

Awareness and information activities on domestic and family violence are offered to any organization (school, CEGEP, university, work integration center, company, etc.) wishing to raise awareness to the realities and harms of violence when exercised in the home environment among its public, its clients or its employees.

Presentations and exchange sessions tailored to the needs of organizations are provided by experienced speakers and are designed to inspire thinking, while appealing to the judgment of individuals and their sense of responsibility.

For more information, contact us at 514 270-8462.

You are a man?

Do you have violence issues? Our team can help you embark in a therapeutic process.

  • Do you go so far as to hit her, and see it as justifiable?
  • Do you find that your spouse and children fear you and have lost their trust in you?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed?
Get started

You are a loved one?

There are many resources available for spouses and children. Don't wait any longer, consult now!

  • S.O.S. Violence conjugale
  • CLSC
  • Suicide Action Montréal
Get Help